The Pink Charm
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Why it is easier to be a mom if you have a tribe

Being a mother(mom) for the first time is entering uncharted territory. Suddenly, you have to take care of another little miniature human being who is totally and utterly dependent on you.

And even if you have had nine months to inform yourself (probably less, depending on when you found out you were pregnant), no book, blog, or website prepares you for the experience. This is something you learn as you go.

At first, you might feel lost, doubt your abilities, or even have no idea what to do because even if you have read the whole theory, the practice is very different. It is when your salvation comes in: the groups of moms.

They say that it takes an entire tribe to raise a child, but in addition to referring to the benefits that the child receives from living with different people, I believe that the tribe is also to support mom or dad during parenting.
So I share with you why having a tribe or group of moms by your side makes motherhood easier.

Also Read: Responsible motherhood, a goal with too many labels

Only a mom can truly understand another mom.

  • I name this reason first because it seems to be the most important. I do not do less to our partner or family, and they can always support us.
  • But only a mother is capable of truly understanding what another mother lives, feels, suffers, enjoys, and thinks.
  • Also, our mothers and mothers-in-law can advise and support us, but sometimes the age difference could make this not work very well.
  • It is not the same to receive advice from someone who was a first-time mother more than 20 years ago than from someone who at that time is living the same as us.

The tips are invaluable because they come from real experiences

  1. I love reading maternity blogs and websites. It is the environment in which I move. It is part of my work, which interests me because I have found good advice to raise my daughter.
  2. But if you want honest, proven advice, ask another mom. This does not mean that what they advise you is absolute truth; remember that each mother, child, and motherhood is different.
  3. But sometimes her advice works more or is more effective because she is a mother like you living similar experiences.

Keeps you sane

easier to be a mom

  • Motherhood can be overwhelming. One day you may feel that it is like walking through the clouds and another that you can’t take it anymore.
  • That is why it is essential to have women who know and share what you live, to know that with just one call, you can receive that message of encouragement that you need.
  • Talking to other mothers who are also going through the same things as you and who share those kinds of experiences helps not to feel that you are going crazy or fail in this whole mothering thing.

It accompanies you in your “crazy things.”

  • Perhaps the word crazy is not appropriate, but sometimes, other people see some decisions that we can make as mothers, especially when it comes to people who don’t share or understand your perspective.
  • Having a group of moms with whom you feel comfortable and in which you can freely talk about things that interest you, such as parenting styles or education, can help you make that decision that makes you doubt.

It serves as a support for maternal crises.

  • The crisis breastfeeding, crises or outbreaks of growth, tantrums, night terrors, setbacks in development or learning, and much more are moments that test us.
  • Sharing them and supporting them emotionally during those stages helps them feel less burdensome.
  • And the list goes on …


The advantages of having a tribe or group of moms, whether in person or virtually, are even more than I can list in this article.

My first year as a mother was challenging because I am the only one of my friends who is already a mother.

I felt alone, lost, even misunderstood because no one else lived the same as me. But when I was finally part of a group of moms, even my vision of motherhood and myself changed.

No mother should raise alone, and mother groups support that many of us need and appreciate. Since I have had my own, I feel less lost in maternal matters, and I know that I have a group of people that I can turn to for advice or support during a difficult or stressful time.

Also Read: Why it is important to live accompanying motherhood