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Tips to Follow If You Want to Sell Your Patek Philippe Watch

Everyone in the civilized world knows that Patek Philippe watches are highly prized when they’re brand new because the brand is high-end. If you take care of your Patek Philippe, you have a greater chance of selling the watch for a high price after some years of ownership. So here are the tips you should follow so that you can do just that.

Keep Records of the Sale

It is always essential when you own a Patek Philippe to keep the proof of ownership intact. This helps prove that you paid a certain amount for the watch and other details about the watch, including the model number, the manufacturing batch, and the date of the purchase.

You should also have documents indicating whether the purchase was done via an online retailer or with a real-time bricks-and-mortar shop. The risk goes up with an online purchase because you still have to check if the watch sold to you is authentic. If you want to be sure you’re buying a genuine Patek Philippe, go to the official website for a list of retailers.

Keep the Warranty Card

Since there is always the possibility that the company sold you a defective Patek Philippe, do have the retailer fill out and validate the warranty card. That way, should you need to have the watch checked for defects, you can always look for an Official Service Center through the official website. They will inspect and repair your watch for you for free if the warranty is honored.

Keep the Packaging As Well

The watch packaging is partial proof that you did buy an actual Patek Philippe. Even if you think that it’s just packaging, it may be essential to hang onto it, especially if somehow the watch care instructions got mixed up with it.

Take note that there could be some accessories that came with the watch, such as extra straps or bracelet links. Keep these with the original packaging and watch box.

Selling the Actual Watch

When you’ve decided to sell the Patek Philippe watch already, it is always good to submit it first for a real-time assessment at the shop. This means you shouldn’t send in the watch via courier or postal mail delivery because the watch could get stolen en route. A reputable watch company will ask you to go to their bricks-and-mortar shop for that assessment.

Don’t hand over the watch for overnight safe keeping even if the staff say they’ll take care of it. Always ask for it back in case there are further checks and assessments needed the following workday. You will be avoiding trouble like possible damage to the item or replacement with a defective watch of the same brand and model. If necessary, return the following day to hand over the watch for whatever they have to do.

Always Demand an Accurate Record of Transactions

If the warranty card is intact, you can submit this to the Official Service Center so they will honor it. It will also be proof that your watch is genuine. Should there be a need to do some internal work on the watch, ask for documentation, so there won’t be any mix-up about what kind of work is required? A watch that has some defects will still be valuable after it has been repaired.

Give Proof of Identification

The staff may ask you to submit proof of your identities, such as your passport or other government-validated IDs. This is especially important if you are a citizen of another country than the Patek Philippe shop. You also have the right to ask for proof that the shop is affiliated with Patek Philippe. This way, both you and the staff are safe from fraud.

Give a Phone Number or Email Address

Once you’ve initiated the process for selling your watch, it is equally essential for you to submit a valid phone number and safe email address where the shop staff can contact you. If you’re visiting the country where you contacted the buyer, give the number of the hotel where you are staying. This way, you are apprised of any changes in the future purchase.

If you don’t plan on staying long in the country you are visiting, always leave a forwarding address or international phone number where you could be contacted. That is also why it is a good idea to use a secure email address if you can’t give your real address or phone number to the staff at the shop.

Consummating the Sale

You will be officially selling your watch once the staff at the watch shop indicates that they’re ready to purchase it. It’s a two-way deal. You will bring your watch, sign the necessary papers, hand over the watch, and accept the payment in cash. If you don’t want cash, always inform the staff beforehand what form of payment you are more comfortable accepting.


Hopefully, you will be able to sell your pre-loved Patek Philippe watch by following these tips. If you should ever want to buy another Patek Philippe, you are now more prepared for the process of eventually selling it for a profit.