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What Food to Eat and What to Avoid During Period?


To avoid menstruation pain, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fresh products rich in vitamins and minerals and avoid fried and processed foods. During the time that period lasts, some women feel more stress caused by hormonal changes.

To reduce stress levels, you need to eat the right foods, avoid harm, and affect your mood. In this article, you will find several dietary tips to help you overcome the days of period.

Also Read: How to avoid a lack of calcium in your diet without eating dairy

How to eat during the period

The diet should be healthy and varied, rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber.

  1. You have to reduce the intake of saturated fats by at least 10% and replace them with polyunsaturated fats such as walnuts and pistachios that improve sensitivity to the use of insulin.

2.  Increase the intake of fatty acids rich in Omega 3: salmon, walnuts, flax seeds

In addition, it must be borne in mind that these days should not be missing :


They are necessary to avoid tiredness and fatigue and are found in meat, fish, soybeans, legumes, and algae.



Vitamin B6




What foods to avoid during periods

  1. During the period, there is an increase in fluid retention and, therefore, weight.
  2. It is due to the properties of progesterone. Weight gain is highly variable from one woman to another but can range from 0.5 kg to 3 kg.
  3. These days, it is advisable to take little salt (present in preserves, chips, precooked dishes, cheeses, or olives) to avoid bloating and fluid retention.
  4. It is also advisable to avoid caffeine (cola, coffee) and other stimulants as they can increase your irritability.
  5. The Alcohol may interact with anti-inflammatory you can take to alleviate the discomfort. Better avoid it these days.

Natural remedies for the discomfort

Nature provides us with many aids to better cope with the discomfort period.

Also Read: Vegan and vegetarian diet – am I going to lack Iron?

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